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Always allow the paint to dry for at least 4 hours before starting with the Glaze application.  In coastal areas or during winter months we recommend to only start glazing the next day (leave paint to cure overnight)

  • Dilute the Clear Glaze with 30% water (30ml of water for every 100ml of Glaze) or 3 parts Clear Glaze and 1-part water.
  • Dampen a clean, colourless cloth with water and squeeze to remove all excess moisture.
  • Dip the cloth completely in the mixture to absorb the mix and then squeeze to remove excess moisture. 
  • Evenly wipe onto the painted surface.  Work in a well-lit room to ensure that the entire surface is covered.  If streakiness or lines occur – (it is caused by the fabric / cloth) just apply a second coat, half an hour later.

Tjhoko Paint - Antique Brown Glaze 250ml

Artikelnummer: PMA-ACR006
inkl. MwSt.
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